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SEARCA Photo Contest 2012

SEARCA Photo Contest 2012 (Deadline: 31 Desember 2012)

SEARCA PHOTO CONTEST 2012 will award entries that best capture the importance of water. We are looking for photographs that emphasize the usefulness of water, the challenges that it faces, and the opportunities and threats it brings. Photographic subjects may highlight or focus on the following sub-themes:

Water in Our Daily Lives. Water, no matter how abundant or ubiquitous should not be taken for granted. Examples of these are photos that display people’s everyday interactions with water. Water and Food Security. Images may depict the role water plays in agriculture, and the processing, transport, and marketing of food. Water and Climate Change. Too little or too much water due to the changing climate has caused floods, droughts, pollution, and scarcity, affecting millions of people. Photographs may show solutions or recurrent problems and the effects of climate change on water resources in rural or urban areas.

  • The photo contest is open to all Southeast Asian nationals except SEARCA employees and immediate family members.
  • The photo contest centers on the theme, “Water is Life: Too Much or Too Little, Every Drop Counts.”
  • Each contestant may submit as many entries as s/he wants, provided that said photos have not been submitted to previous photo contests or published elsewhere (print or electronic).
  • Entries must be digital, either JPEG or TIFF format and at least 3,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image or 3,000 pixels tall for a vertical image at 300 dpi.
  • All entries must be original. Photos must not be digitally altered and/or enhanced in any way other than simple cropping.
  • Each entry should include the following details in English: name of photographer, country, brief statement/description of the photo, where the photo was taken (include town/municipality, province/state, and country), when it was taken (complete date), and the equipment used in taking it.
  • Submission of entries to the contest indicates full permission granted to SEARCA to use the photographs, with proper credit to the photographer (for mass-produced print publications), in Center endeavors in knowledge packaging, sharing, and advocacy related to SEARCA’s mandate.
  • Photos will be judged based on the following criteria: 
Relevance to the theme: 40%


Technical quality: 30%
Impact: 30%
TOTAL: 100%

All entries must be submitted online at http://photocontest.searca.org on or before 31 December 2012 (GMT +08:00).

  • First Prize: $500 
  • Second Prize: $300 
  • Third Prize: $200 
  • People’s Choice Award (via Facebook voting): $100

Winning entries wil be showcased at Photo Contest Website on 1 February 2013. Winners will be notified via e-mail. SEARCA has the right to offer the prize to the next winning entry, if and only if, the winner does not initiate any contact within seven days.

For inquiries:
SEARCA Photo Contest 2012 Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
College, Los Banos, Laguna 4031 Philippines
Tel No: (+63 49) 536-2290 ext 194
Email: fotos@agri.searca.org
Website: www.searca.org
Photo Contest Website: http://photocontest.searca.org


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